Enter The Realm

On Location

Play games and tournaments at our store and show us what your miniature men (and women and animals and demons...) can do! But wear your galoshes because sometimes it rains. And just so you know, some days are longer than others; in fact last Wednesday was 26 hours long. We were surprised too but the ghosts in our basement are tricky and can change time.


Enter The Realm is truly a hotbed of gaming and hobby activity, with special events like day-long and weekend tournaments in the store and at various locations around town.  Our July, 2017 Malifaux tournament, featured in the photos below, was one of the most successful we've ever had, with a great group of intense and skilled players. You can be part of the action, too.  Watch for announcements of upcoming tournaments at our Facebook page, here on the site, and in our upcoming email newsletter.  Call the store with questions, comments or if you want to register.



events: Tournaments and More

Seriously .....

Store Hours: Tuesday: 11 am - 6 pm.   Wednesday: 11 am - 9 pm.   Thursday: 11 am - 6 pm.
Friday: 11 am - 9 pm    Saturday: 11 am - 9 pm.    Sunday and Monday Closed

Enter The Realm takes the fun on the road sometimes, as we transport the fantasy worlds of Malifaux and Warhammer to special locations.  We like that this offers us the chance to get out of the "office" and "meet the people" because to be honest, these little miniature people don't talk much.